lunedì 10 gennaio 2011

La befana

La befana mi ha portato le caramelle che mi comprava ogni tanto la mamma quando da piccola facevo la visita medica dal pediatra. Sono buonissimeeeeeeeeee!!!
Me le ha portate al pino, all'anice e al miele e io faccio la raffinata portandomele in giro in una scatolina carina.

La Befana (in the italian tradition she is an old woman who delivers sweets to the good children and coal to the bad ones on Epiphany- tough nowadays coal is made of sugar XD) delivered me the candies my mother used to buy me after physical examinations. So yummyyyyyyyyyyy!! She delivered me pine, anise and honey flavored ones and I act refined carrying them around in a cute small box.

2 commenti:

Hello Naka ha detto...

sorry i missed your birthday! happy late birthday! did you have a gd time :)?

Elettra ha detto...

Raffinata! :D

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