"Mr. Holmes - Il mistero del caso irrisolto" è un film del 2015 diretto da Bill Condon e basato sul romanzo del 2005 "A Slight Trick of the Mind" (Un piccolo inganno della mente) di Mitch Cullin.
Il protagonista è uno Sherlock Holmes di 93 anni, magistralmente interpretato da Ian McKellen, che si è ritirato in una casa di campagna del Sussex, accudito da una governante e dal giovanissimo figlio di lei, Roger. Sherlock è insoddisfatto dal romanzo di Watson sul suo ultimo caso e vorrebbe scriverne una sua versione più realistica. Ma il grande investigatore non è più quello di una volta e, nonostante provi a curarsi con la pappa reale e il fior di pepe, che è andato a cercare in Giappone, la sua memoria si va indebolendo. L'interesse per le sue avventure da parte di Roger diventa uno stimolo per ricostruire una verità che aveva quasi dimenticato.
Lo Sherlock Holmes di questo film è diversissimo dal detective lucido e razionale di Conan Doyle. La sua mente sta cedendo e lui ne è perfettamente consapevole e sa che allo stesso modo ne sono consapevoli le persone che gli stanno intorno. In questo film quindi il nemico e il campo di indagine, con la scusa dell'ultimo caso, si trovano in lui stesso. Non per questo però Sherlock si arrende, la sua intelligenza e il suo carattere ruvido rimangono quelli della gioventù anche di fronte all'inevitabilità della morte.
Al tranquillo presente nel Sussex si intersecano i ricordi del grande detective sotto forma di flashback frammentari e disordinati del famoso ultimo caso, ma anche del viaggio in Giappone.
Sulla struttura fin troppo utilizzata in cui un anziano burbero e solo intreccia un rapporto d'affetto con un bambino, si innesta un film triste che invita, in maniera delicata, a riflettere sulla vecchiaia e su come affrontarla.
L'ho trovato un ottimo film, nonostante il finale non mi abbia soddisfatto del tutto, ma anche molto triste, bisogna vederlo con lo spirito giusto.
"Mr. Holmes" is a 2015 film directed by Bill Condon and based on the 2005 novel "A Slight Trick of the Mind" by Mitch Cullin.
The protagonist is a 93 years old Sherlock Holmes, masterfully played by Ian McKellen, who retired in a house in the Sussex's countryside, looked after by a housekeeper and her young son, Roger.
Sherlock is dissatisfied with Watson's novel about his last case and wants to write a more realistic version. But the great detective is no longer the man he once was and, despite he tries to nurse himself with royal jelly and japanese pepper, which he went to Japan search for, his memory is becoming weaker. Roger's interest in his adventures becomes a stimulus to rebuild a truth that he had almost forgotten.
The Sherlock Holmes of this film is very different from the lucid and rational detective by Conan Doyle. His mind is failing him and he is well aware and knows that the people around him are aware of it too. So in this film, the enemy and the field of investigation, with the excuse of the last case, are in himself. But Sherlock doesn't give up, his intelligence and his rough character are those of his youth even in front of the inevitability of death.
The quiet present of Sussex intersects with the memories of the great detective in the form of fragmentary and messy flashbacks of the famous last case, but also of the trip to Japan.
To the too used structure where a grumpy lonely man weaves a relationship with a child, it's built a sad movie that invites, in a delicate way, to reflect about old age and how to deal with it.
I found it great movie, despite the ending didn't satisfy me totally, but also very sad, you have to watch it in the right spirit.
L'ho trovato un ottimo film, nonostante il finale non mi abbia soddisfatto del tutto, ma anche molto triste, bisogna vederlo con lo spirito giusto.
"Mr. Holmes" is a 2015 film directed by Bill Condon and based on the 2005 novel "A Slight Trick of the Mind" by Mitch Cullin.
The protagonist is a 93 years old Sherlock Holmes, masterfully played by Ian McKellen, who retired in a house in the Sussex's countryside, looked after by a housekeeper and her young son, Roger.
Sherlock is dissatisfied with Watson's novel about his last case and wants to write a more realistic version. But the great detective is no longer the man he once was and, despite he tries to nurse himself with royal jelly and japanese pepper, which he went to Japan search for, his memory is becoming weaker. Roger's interest in his adventures becomes a stimulus to rebuild a truth that he had almost forgotten.
The Sherlock Holmes of this film is very different from the lucid and rational detective by Conan Doyle. His mind is failing him and he is well aware and knows that the people around him are aware of it too. So in this film, the enemy and the field of investigation, with the excuse of the last case, are in himself. But Sherlock doesn't give up, his intelligence and his rough character are those of his youth even in front of the inevitability of death.
The quiet present of Sussex intersects with the memories of the great detective in the form of fragmentary and messy flashbacks of the famous last case, but also of the trip to Japan.
To the too used structure where a grumpy lonely man weaves a relationship with a child, it's built a sad movie that invites, in a delicate way, to reflect about old age and how to deal with it.
I found it great movie, despite the ending didn't satisfy me totally, but also very sad, you have to watch it in the right spirit.
4 commenti:
Non l'ho trovato triste, ma bellissimo...
Meglio! Concordo sul bellissimo, ma a me un po'di malinconia l'ha messa.
Io lo volevo tanto vedere e non ce l'ho fatta.. spero di rimediare.. :s
@Nyu: spero che tu ci riesca, vale senz'altro.
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