Orecchini/Earrings: fatti io/selfmade
Collana/Necklace: fatti io/selfmade
Maglietta/Tee: modificata da me/alterated by me
Gonna/Skirt: H&M (7€ on sale)
Calze/Socks: H&M (1€ on sale)
Scarpe/Shoes: mercato di Arenzano/Arenzano open air market (10€)
4 commenti:
Are those earrings shrink plastic?! They're super cool! I think I still have some shrink plastic hanging around at home, I never figured out how to get the finished size I wanted -__-;;
Also, that skirt is a great shape for you :)
Yes, I discovered shrink plastic a short time ago and I'm totally crazy about it at the moment!
To get the right size I did a trial misuring the before and after and getting the proportion (mine shrinks a bit more than half). But sometimes it seems to shrink a bit more and on the instructions on the pack it was written that it shrunk 7 times, so I kinda wasted the first sheet, grrr!
Thank you!
Forse mi stai contagiando con la tua ossessione per le balene.
@RagazzAcidella: muahahahaha
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