Leggendo Non solo kawaii ho scoperto che quelli della trasmissione “How Hard Can it Be?” sul canale National Geographic, hanno ricostruito la casa volante del cartone animato Up della Disney a grandezza reale e sono riusciti a farla volare davvero!!! *__________*
Reading Non solo kawaii (not only kawaii) I discovered that on National Geographic channel, the “How Hard Can it Be?” program staff reconscructed full size the flying house of Disney's animated film Up and made it fly for real!!! *__________*
Reading Non solo kawaii (not only kawaii) I discovered that on National Geographic channel, the “How Hard Can it Be?” program staff reconscructed full size the flying house of Disney's animated film Up and made it fly for real!!! *__________*
Ho adorato quel cartone. L'inizio mi commuove sempre. E mi piace che i protagonisti siano parte di categorie di gente che in genere viene trascurata dal mondo dello spettacolo, le persone grasse e gli anziani.
I adored the film. The first part always moves me. And I like that the protagonists are part of categories of people usually neglected by the word of entrateinment, fat and old persons.
I adored the film. The first part always moves me. And I like that the protagonists are part of categories of people usually neglected by the word of entrateinment, fat and old persons.

Le mie cose preferite del film sono la casa volante (scontato) e il cane Dug. Possiedo anche un peluche parlante della Disney che lo raffigura, regalo della Pelosa Metà *_* Parla solo in inglese, però XD
My favourites of the film are the flying house and the dog Dug. I also have a speaking disney plushie of him, that was a present of the Hairy Half *_* He speaks only in english, though XD
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