"The Magicians" è un romanzo del 2009 dello scrittore statunitense Lev Grossman. Ha due seguiti: "The Magician King" (2011) e "The Magician's Land" (2014). Il primo libro è stato edito in Italia dalla Rizzoli con il titolo "Il mago" nel 2010, mentre gli altri due capitoli della saga sono ancora inediti in italiano.
Nel 2015 da "The Magicians" è stato tratto un omonimo telefilm.
Il protagonista è Quentin Coldwater, un diciassettenne di Brooklyn sul punto di finire il liceo e di iscriversi all'università. Lui e i suoi migliori amici, James e Julia hanno sempre seguito i corsi più avanzati ed è probabile che saranno accettati da un ateneo prestigioso, ma Quentin non è contento: Julia, il suo grande amore, si è fidanzata con James invece che con lui, forse perché nonostante sia cresciuto non riesce a staccarsi dalla serie di libri fantasy per bambini Fillory, ambientata in un mondo magico a cui si arriva tramite un passaggio in un orologio a pendolo. Solo attraverso Fillory Quentin riesce a sfuggire al grigiore della sua vita quotidiana. Ma cosa farà quando la magia entrerà davvero nel suo mondo? Sarà davvero come la immaginava?
Il romanzo sembrerebbe uno dei tanti fantasy per un pubblico di adolescenti che ci sono sul mercato, un po' Harry Potter e un po' Narnia (fra l'altro al suo interno ci sono esplicite citazioni, molto spesso ironiche, dei mondi fantasy più famosi).
Eppure a leggerlo è completamente diverso. Quentin e i suoi amici non sono eroi senza macchia e senza paura, ma normalissimi e credibilissimi adolescenti, che pensano al sesso e ne fanno anche, si ubriacano e riescono ad essere disillusi e insoddisfatti anche in un mondo pieno di magia. Si potrebbe definire un fantasy del male di vivere.
Nonostante i protagonisti non suscitino particolare simpatia e che per la maggior parte del libro l'azione sia limitata, era tanto che non leggevo un libro così avvincente, ho fatto veramente fatica a staccarmene, anche perché ogni volta che pensavo di sapere come sarebbe andato avanti, mi stupiva con qualcosa di inaspettato.
Ho tentato di resistere ad iniziare subito il secondo volume, ma non ce l'ho fatta. Non vedo l'ora di vedere anche il telefilm (anche perché l'attore che fa Quentin, Jason Ralph, è un figone).

"The Magicians" is a 2009 novel by American writer Lev Grossman. It has two sequels: "The Magician King" (2011) and "The Magician's Land" (2014).
In 2015 "The Magicians" was made into a TV series of the same name.
The protagonist is Quentin Coldwater, a seventeen year old boy from Brooklyn who is about to finish high school and attend college. He and his best friends, James and Julia always attended the most advanced classes and are likely to be accepted by a prestigious university, but Quentin is not happy: Julia, his great love, is going out with James instead of him, perhaps because despite being a grown up he is obsessed by Fillory, a fantasy books series for children set in a magical world which can be reached through a passage in a grandfather clock. Only through Fillory Quentin manages to escape the dullness of his daily life. But what will he do when the magic really comes into his world? Will it really be like he imagined?
The novel may seem one of the many fantasy books for a teenagers audience on the market, a bit like Harry Potter and a bit like Narnia (among the other things, on the inside there are explicit quotations, often ironic, of the most famous fantasy worlds).
Yet, reading it, it is completely different. Quentin and his friends aren't undefiled heroes without fear, but are very normal and credible teenagers who think about sex and also make it, get drunk and are able to be disillusioned and dissatisfied even in a world full of magic. It could be called a fantasy of the disharmony with the world.
Despite the protagonists do not arouse special fondness and that for most of the book there's few action, it was long since when I read such an exciting book, I really struggled to leave it because every time I thought I knew how it would go ahead, it surprised me with something unexpected.
I tried to resist to start the second volume right away, but I did it. I also can't wait to watch the series (also because the actor who plays Quentin, Jason Ralph, is a hottie).
In 2015 "The Magicians" was made into a TV series of the same name.
The protagonist is Quentin Coldwater, a seventeen year old boy from Brooklyn who is about to finish high school and attend college. He and his best friends, James and Julia always attended the most advanced classes and are likely to be accepted by a prestigious university, but Quentin is not happy: Julia, his great love, is going out with James instead of him, perhaps because despite being a grown up he is obsessed by Fillory, a fantasy books series for children set in a magical world which can be reached through a passage in a grandfather clock. Only through Fillory Quentin manages to escape the dullness of his daily life. But what will he do when the magic really comes into his world? Will it really be like he imagined?
The novel may seem one of the many fantasy books for a teenagers audience on the market, a bit like Harry Potter and a bit like Narnia (among the other things, on the inside there are explicit quotations, often ironic, of the most famous fantasy worlds).
Yet, reading it, it is completely different. Quentin and his friends aren't undefiled heroes without fear, but are very normal and credible teenagers who think about sex and also make it, get drunk and are able to be disillusioned and dissatisfied even in a world full of magic. It could be called a fantasy of the disharmony with the world.
Despite the protagonists do not arouse special fondness and that for most of the book there's few action, it was long since when I read such an exciting book, I really struggled to leave it because every time I thought I knew how it would go ahead, it surprised me with something unexpected.
I tried to resist to start the second volume right away, but I did it. I also can't wait to watch the series (also because the actor who plays Quentin, Jason Ralph, is a hottie).
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