I tried to put on halloween realted items for all the last week. Here are the results:


Sabato sono andata al capodanno celtico. La coroncina di fiori e la farfalla sulla mia sciarpa le ho prese lì. Il mio look ha avuto successo, una signora ha voluto fotografarmi a tutti i costi continuando a dire quanto ero carina. Però non ho nessuna foto di quel giorno dove abbia un'espressione decente T_T
Saturday I went to the celtic festival. I bought there the flower wreath and the butterfly brooch you can see on my scarf. My look was successful: a lady asked to take a photo of me saing I was too cute. But in all the photos of me taken that day I have an ugly face T_T
Saturday I went to the celtic festival. I bought there the flower wreath and the butterfly brooch you can see on my scarf. My look was successful: a lady asked to take a photo of me saing I was too cute. But in all the photos of me taken that day I have an ugly face T_T
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